Science of Mind Level 1
An introduction to and study of Science of Mind/Religious Science Principles and background. This class can be taken for personal growth and/or for credit.
Science of Mind Level 2
Continuation of the study of Science of Mind and Religious Science Principles plus exploring and studying the works of other new thought teachers and authors. This class can be taken for personal growth and/or for credit.
Science of Mind Level 3 
Practitioner Program
Students that enroll in this program should be living the Science of Mind/Religious Science Principles and be demonstrating their understanding of the practices by actively using Spiritual Mind Treatment for themselves and others. The student continues to embody the understanding of cause and effect and explore modalities for healing. Students completing this coursework are eligible to complete the licensing requirements to be a credentialed Religious Science Practitioner.
Prerequisite: Science of Mind I & II.
Ministerial Program
Religious Science Practitioners may choose to enroll in the Ministerial program.
Choosing to become ordained is a noble calling. If you align with our organization you will have the respected credentials that at one time you could only acquire through a masters degree in Religion.
Rev. Thelma Smith Science of Mind Levels 1 & 2
Our Instructors

Credentialing Classes

These Classes are required to be eligible to become a practitioner or a minister through our organization. Our core classes are each 60 hours. They must be taken in order and the completion of all course work and class hours must be met to be able to move on to the next level. Contact our individual centers for availability of on- line instruction. Science of Mind I $400. Science of Mind II $400. Practitioner $500 Ministerial I $600 Ministerial II $600 (licentiate) prices may vary, contact one of our Centers for details. Ordination.

Classes and Membership

We offer many classes that will enhance your life and bring you a

stronger sense of empowerment.

Along with our Core class, you can also take many other classes offered by our Centers and Ministers. Whether you are near or far from one of our centers, you can participate via mail or video conference. Pricing varies for all classes, it is at the discretion of the individual ministers. Be sure and Check our Alliance for Spiritual Understanding on FB. for news and upcoming events.

Science of Mind I

Science of Mind one is taught from the original Ernest Holmes 1926 text. We feel that it better represents the open and expanding mind of Dr Holmes before he was urged to eliminate some of his more esoteric studies. This is a foundation Class and must be completed before moving forward on the path to practitioner or minister.

Science of Mind II

Second year classes are based on the revised addition of Ernest Holmes work. In it you will also explore the the difference between the two editions and the motivation Dr. Holmes had to revise his work. Upon completion of the second year, you will know Science of Mind inside out.


This class will hone your skills at affirmative prayer and its demonstrations. You will learn how to set up a successful practice as a Science of Mind practitioner. There is instruction regarding techniques of listening and determining the ultimate goal of your clients treatment. Ministerial I This class is taught with approved books that reflect the Science of Mind practices and principles. These will be selected by your Ministerial Teacher Ministerial II In this class you will gain an understanding of how to conduct a ministry. You will be able to apply the policies and procedures as well as the bylaws to your ministry.

For More Information about Membership

Contact Lisa Marks
Associate Dues $25 Practitioner Dues $50 Ministerial Dues $75 For more information please contact Rev. Lisa Marks
Becoming a member of Global Religious Science Ministries will offer you a chance to connect with like minded positive people who are willing to help you on your journey to the awareness of who you are and what you can become.



These Classes are required to be eligible to become a practitioner or a minister through our organization. Our core classes are each 60 hours. They must be taken in order and the completion of all course work and class hours must be met to be able to move on to the next level. Contact our individual centers for availability of on-line instruction. Science of Mind I $400. Science of Mind II $400. Practitioner $500 Ministerial I $600 Ministerial II $600 (licentiate) prices may vary, contact one of our Centers for details. Ordination.
Science of Mind Level 1
An introduction to and study of Science of Mind/Religious Science Principles and background. This class can be taken for personal growth and/or for credit.
Science of Mind Level 2
Continuation of the study of Science of Mind and Religious Science Principles plus exploring and studying the works of other new thought teachers and authors. This class can be taken for personal growth and/or for credit.
Science of Mind Level 3 
Practitioner Program
Students that enroll in this program should be living the Science of Mind/Religious Science Principles and be demonstrating their understanding of the practices by actively using Spiritual Mind Treatment for themselves and others. The student continues to embody the understanding of cause and effect and explore modalities for healing. Students completing this coursework are eligible to complete the licensing requirements to be a credentialed Religious Science Practitioner.
Prerequisite: Science of Mind I & II.
Ministerial Program
Religious Science Practitioners may choose to enroll in the Ministerial program.
Choosing to become ordained is a noble calling. If you allign with our organization you will have the respected credentials that at one time you could only aquire through a masters degree in Religion.

Classes and Membership

We offer many classes that

will enhance your life and

bring you a stronger sense of


Along with our Core class, you can also take many other classes offered by our Centers and Ministers. Whether you are near or far from one of our centers, you can participate via mail or video conference. Pricing varies for all classes, it is at the discretion of the individual ministers. Be sure and Check our Alliance for Spiritual Understanding on FB. for news and upcoming events.

Science of Mind I

Science of Mind one is taught from the original Ernest Holmes 1926 text. We feel that it better represents the open and expanding mind of Dr Holmes before he was urged to eliminate some of his more esoteric studies. This is a foundation Class and must be completed before moving forward on the path to practitioner or minister.

Science of Mind II

Second year classes are based on the revised addition of Ernest Holmes work. In it you will also explore the the difference between the two editions and the motivation Dr. Holmes had to revise his work. Upon completion of the second year, you will know Science of Mind inside out.


This class will hone your skills at affirmative prayer and its demonstrations. You will learn how to set up a successful practice as a Science of Mind practitioner. There is instruction regarding techniques of listening and determining the ultimate goal of your clients treatment. Ministerial I This class is taught with approved books that reflect the Science of Mind practices and principles. These will be selected by your Ministerial Teacher Ministerial II In this class you will gain an understanding of how to conduct a ministry. You will be able to apply the policies and procedures as well as the bylaws to your ministry.
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Dues Associate Dues $25 Practitioner Dues $50 Ministerial Dues $75 For more information please contact Rev. Lisa Marks
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